
Item Description

Aventurine is a powerful gem for calming negative emotions that can get stuck in the heart chakra. Working with this stone generates healing properties that flow through your chakras, promoting harmony and balance as well as clearing away toxic emotions.

Aventurine helpsĀ to boost your luck and is powerful when it comes to wealth, finances, and career goals.

Carrying aventurine in your purse or pocket allows you to bring lucky energy wherever you go. When you find yourself unlucky, just hold the stone in your hands and allow it to clear unwanted negative energy from your mind.

Place it somewhere it will be seen every day as a reminder that you are lucky and have the power to create your own luck.

Anoint your crystal heart with our Chakra Boost blends for the optimum healing experience. Hold your heart close to your chakra as you declare: "I CHOOSE JOY & COMPASSION".

Includes a 1" heart crystal & satin bag.

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