Our Community

TheWMarketplace is a community of sellers and service providers that reflects the diversity of women entrepreneurs in our economy. When sellers or service providers join TheWMarketplace, they have the option of identifying with a community, which enables their storefronts and product listings to include a badge signifying their community. The badges enable shoppers to identify and support communities that they care about and enables entrepreneurs to also identify others in their community.

TheWMarketplace does not require certification or "proof" that anyone belongs in any particular community. Communities are entirely self-identified and selected. 

The only badge that has a certification attached is the Women-Owned logo. This badge is only accessible to businesses who have gone through the certification process that is owned and managed by WBENC, as TheWMarketplace has.

We listen to our sellers and service providers and when there is interest in adding a badge, if it is consistent with TheWMarketplace mission and vision, we will add it to the community options. 

TheWMarketplace offers badges for the following communities:

 Asian American & Pacific Islander 

hexagon badge with text Black Owned Black Owned

hexagon with text east indian owned

 East Indian Owned

hexagon with text Latinx Owned

 Latina Owned

hexagon with text LQGBTQIA+ Owned LGBTQIA+ Owned

hexagon with text native american owned Native American Owned


hexagon with text teen owned

 Teen Owned

hexagon with text Veteran Owned Veteran Owned

hexagon with Women-Owned logo

 WBENC Certified Women-Owned

For questions or more information, 

please reach out to: 
